If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesla
Vibroacoustic Therapy.
Vibroacoustical Therapy, or VAT, is a non-invasive, energy-based alternative approach to wellness. It has been used for over 40 years and works by harnessing the healing power of sound converted into vibration.
Vibroacoustic therapy is a soothing, relaxing experience conducted while you are fully clothed. You lie directly on the specially designed lounge, or you can sit in a chair that is embedded with transducers which transmit specific frequencies into vibrations.
While energetically it works much like acupuncture, sound can penetrate much deeper into the body and is more effective than needles. Our bodies are composed mainly of water, so these sound vibrations set the water into motion at a deep cellular level, reverberating throughout the entire body. The molecules begin reacting and communicating with each other, leading to sense of deep relaxation and a more balanced and healthier state of being.
Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) – Low Frequency Sound Wave Massage – can reduce this pain and discomfort and enhance life quality considerably. We usually believe that all sound is perceived by the ear. Most of us are little aware being vibrations. Very often body-perceived vibrations are associated with harmful noise, but VAT is developed in order to give the body full benefit of the positive effect of controlled use of low frequency sound waves
The Benefits.
Stress & Anxiety Management
VAT induces the relaxation response and can reduce anxiety. Repeated use of VibroAcoustics to get into the relaxation response has a long term benefit--- the more people use this technology, the more they learn to recognize the state of relaxation and over time, become able to reach relaxation at will. Vibroacoustics is a great way to learn how to relax and develop relaxation as a daily habit!
Pain Management
Alleviate pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, injuries, headaches/migraine, cancer and treatments. Speed rehabilitation after cardiac surgery, and knee & hip replacement surgery, and even stroke.
Chronic Illness Management
Five conditions for which VAT has quality research supporting intervention are arthritis/pain, Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, depression/mental health and fibromyalgia.
The research supporting VAT for arthritis and chronic pain in children showed decreases in pain, decreases in the use of medication and functional improvement in mobility
The research on Parkinsons has shown VAT improved movement including mobility, but also improved motor symptoms and involuntary movements such as tremors and finger tapping, improvements in sleep, and muscle strength.
The studies focusing on Alzheimer’s showed that low frequency vibratory sound might promote neural regeneration and recovery of damaged neurons. Results have been improvements in cognitive function, reduction in behavioral issues VAT impacts the memory connections that get disrupted in Alzheimer’s, restoring them for improvements in memory.
The Benefits.
Stress & Anxiety Management
VAT induces the relaxation response and can reduce anxiety. Repeated use of VibroAcoustics to get into the relaxation response has a long term benefit--- the more people use this technology, the more they learn to recognize the state of relaxation and over time, become able to reach relaxation at will. Vibroacoustics is a great way to learn how to relax and develop relaxation as a daily habit!
Pain Management
Alleviate pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, injuries, headaches/migraine, cancer and treatments. Speed rehabilitation after cardiac surgery, and knee & hip replacement surgery, and even stroke.
Chronic Illness Management
Five conditions for which VAT has quality research supporting intervention are arthritis/pain, Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, depression/mental health and fibromyalgia.
The research supporting VAT for arthritis and chronic pain in children showed decreases in pain, decreases in the use of medication and functional improvement in mobility
The research on Parkinsons has shown VAT improved movement including mobility, but also improved motor symptoms and involuntary movements such as tremors and finger tapping, improvements in sleep, and muscle strength.
The studies focusing on Alzheimer’s showed that low frequency vibratory sound might promote neural regeneration and recovery of damaged neurons. Results have been improvements in cognitive function, reduction in behavioral issues VAT impacts the memory connections that get disrupted in Alzheimer’s, restoring them for improvements in memory.
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Manage Pain
Pain Management programming includes pain education, coaching and a personalized treatment plan based on your symptoms.
Improve Sleep
Insomnia programming includes sleep hygiene skills along with a personalized treatment plan, typically lasting 5 sessions. Clients report that after treatment they have less trouble falling asleep, and the duration of sleep is longer.
Anxiety, Stress, Chronic Illness Management
Anxiety, stress and chronic health management programming, as with all programming, begins with an individual assessment and together, you and your practitioner will develop a treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals.
VAT Session Packages
Packages allow clients to save money on their treatment.
Treatment plans vary from 2-5 sessions and may be as many as 12-15.